Role of Algorithm, Growth of Functions, Summations, Recurrences,Analysis of Sorting Alogrithms, heapsort Quick Sort, Sorting in Linear Time, Medians and OrderStatistics, hasing, Elementary Data Structures, Binary Search Tree, AvI Trees and Splaying RB-Trees, Augmenting Data Structures, B-Trees, Binomila Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps, Sata Structure for Disjoint Sets, Dynamics Programming Greedy Algorithms, Backtracking, branch and Bound, Amoritzed Analysis, Elementary Graph algorithms, Minimum Spanning Tree, Single Source Shortest Paths, All pairs Shortest Paths, Maximum Flow, Sorting Network, Matrix Orerations, Number Theoretic Algorithms, Polynomials and FFT. String Matching, NP-Completeness, Approsimation Algorithm, BIbliography, Paper