Fundamentals: Introduction, Glossary of Technicla Terms, Fundamentala of Sound, Basic Ideas of Vibration, Hearing, Ultra Sound, Noise Measurement and Controling Factors.
Environmental Noise: Man and the Acoustical Environment , Environmental Noise and Acoustic Doors, Road Traffic Noise, Aircraft, Helicopter, Railway Noise, Road Traffic Noise, Aircraft, Helicopter and Hovercraft Noise, Pop Music.
Reduction of Noise: Hwearing Protection and Audiometry,Noise-Induced Hearing Loss, Reduciong Noise in Factories, Absorption of Sound, Acoustic Enclosures, Materials for Acoustic Treatment, Resillent Mounting of Structures, Analysis of Noise Lvels in Various Cities of India, Summary of Recent Literature on Noise Pollutions.
Case Study: Noise During Religions Festivals of Rourkela, A Preliminary Survey, Noise Pollution in Some commercial Banks of Rokurkela, Effect of Height and Types of Houses on noise Leve4ls in Residential Areas, Survey of Noise Pollution in Rourkela, Traffic Noise, Noise in Governmetn offices.
Legal Measures and Recommendations: Legal Measures and Noise Pollution, Recommendations, Noise Standards and Noise hazards.