<p>Table of Contents</p>
<p>1. Nature and Scope of Biology,</p>
<p>2. Being Alive-what does it mean</p>
<p>3. Scope of Zoology</p>
<p>4. Origin of Life</p>
<p>5. Viruses</p>
<p>6. Bacteria</p>
<p>7. Systematics</p>
<p>8. Taxonomy</p>
<p>9. Protozoa</p>
<p>10. Porifera</p>
<p>11. Coelenterata (Cnidoria)</p>
<p>12. Platyhelminthes</p>
<p>13. Aschelminthes</p>
<p>14. Annelida</p>
<p>15. Arthropoda</p>
<p>16. Molluska</p>
<p>17. Echinodermata</p>
<p>18. Proto Chordata</p>
<p>19. Chordates</p>
<p>20. Cyclostomata</p>
<p>21. Pisces</p>
<p>22. Amphibia</p>
<p>23. Reptilia</p>
<p>24. Aves or Birds</p>
<p>25. Mammalia</p>
<p>26. Animal Tissues</p>
<p>27. Integumentory System</p>
<p>28. Skeletal System</p>
<p>29. Animal Nutrition (Digestion and Absorption)</p>
<p>30. Body Fluids and Circulation</p>
<p>31. Breating and Exchange of Gases</p>
<p>32. Excretory Products and Their Elimination</p>
<p>33. Neural Control and Coordination</p>
<p>34. Receptors (Serye Organs)</p>
<p>35. Chemical Coordination and Integration</p>
<p>36. Reproduction</p>
<p>37. Human Embrylogy</p>
<p>38. Ecology and Environment</p>
<p>39. Evolution of Life</p>
<p>40. Cell Biology,</p>
<p>41. Genetics</p>
<p>42. Diseases and Public Health</p>
<p>43. Domestication, Introduction and Improvement of Animals</p>
<p>44. Economic Entromology</p>
<p>45. Agricultural Chemicals : Pesticides</p>
<p>46. Biofertilizers and Biological Pest Control</p>
<p>47. Mental Health, Addiction and Community Health</p>
<p>48. Technology for Medical Application</p>
<p>49. Biotechnology</p>
<p>50. Bioenergy</p>
<p>51. Growth of Human Population</p>
<p>Appendix, Revise Before Examinations.</p>