1. Classifiction and Nomenclture of Organic Compounds, 2. Isomerism, 3.General Organic Chemistry, 4. Mechancism of Organic Rections (Substitution Reactions), 5. Mechanicsm of Organic Reactions (Elimination Reactions), 6. Mechanism okf Organic Reactions (Additions Reactions), 7.Hydrocaarbons, 8. Halogen (S) Containing Compounds, 9. Hydroxy Compounds and Ethers, 10. Carbonyl Compounds, 11. Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives, 12. Cyanides nd Isocyanides, 13. Nitrogen Containing Compounds, 14. Organometallic Compounds and Metal Hydrides, 15. Polymers, 16. Carbohkydrated, 17. Biomolecules (Amino Acids, Peptide, Proteins, Enzymes, Nucleic Acids, Vitamins, Lipids, Hormones and Blood), 18. Chemistry in Action (Drugs, Dyes, Cosmetics, New High Performace, Materials and Rocket Propellanats) 19. Purification and Identification of Organic Compounds,