1. Introduction to The Laboratory, 2. Laboratory Reagents & Their Prepration, 3.Prepration of Permanent Slides, 4. Preparation Permanent Lboratory Mounst, 5. Permanent Slides of Economic (Applied) Specimens, 6. Stool Examination of Different Intestinal Parasites, 7. Collecting, Mounting and Preserving Insects, 8. Life History of Silk Moth, Honey bee and Lac Insects, 10. Permanent Slides of Plant Nematodes, 11. Hemotologicl Experiments, 12.Introduction of pH Meter and Colorimeter, 13. Microbiological Techniques, 14. Ecological Experiments, 15. Cytological Experiments, 16. Physiological Experiments, 17.Development of Chick Embryo, 18. Dissections, 19. practical Exercise.