1. Crystallography 2. Diffraction of X-Rays, Electronc and Neutrons by Crystals 3. Cohesive Energy and Bonds 4. Elasticity and Elastic Waves 5. Deffects and Dislocations in Crystals 6. Lattice Vibrations and Phonons 7. Thermal Properties of Solids 8. Free Electron Theroy of Metals 9. Transport Properties 10. Band Theory of Solids 11. Semi-Conductors 12. Transistor Physics 13. Magnetism 14. Magnetic Resonances 15. Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Properties 16. Superconductivity 17. Photoconductivity and Luminescence 18. Masers and Lasers 19. Plasma Physics 20. Mossbauer Effect 21. Group Theory 22. Electron Energy Bands23. Mos Structure, Surface Phenomena