ELEMENTARY PTERIDOPHYTA 1. Introducation: Ptridophytes, 2. Classifiction: Pteridophytes, 3. Alternation of Generations in Pteridophytes, 4. Rhynia, 5.Lycopodium, 6.Selaginella, 7. Equissetum, 8.Pteris, 9. Marsilea, 10. Stelr System in Pteridophytes, 11. Heterospory nd Seed habit, 12. Economic Importance of Pteridophytes ELEMENTARY GYMNOSPERM AND PALEOBOTANY 1. Introduction: Gymonosperms, 2. Classification: Gymonoserms, 3. Gymonosperms: Alternation of Genertions, 4. Cycas, 5.Pinus, 6. Ephedra, 7. Economics importance of Gymnosperms, 8. Comparative Account of Cycas, Pinus and Ephedra, 9. Introduction: Palaeobotnay, 10. Fossils and Fossilization, 11. Geological time scale, 12. Living Fossils, 13. Birbal Sahni ELEMENTARY BACTERIA VIRUS AND LICHENS (MICROBIOOGY) 1. Introduction and History, 2. Bacteria, 3. Viruses, 4. Lichens, 5. Microbiology