GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING 1. Nucleic Acids: As Genetic Material, 2. Nucleic Acids: Structure, 3. Genetic Code, 4. Laws of Inheritance, 5. Chromosomal Aberrations, 6. Sex Determination, 7. Sex Linked Inheritance, 8. Plant Breeding: Introduction, 9. Crop Improvement Methods and Hybrid Vigour MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 1. DNA: Replication, 2. Introns, Exons, Transposons and Molecular Basis of Mutaion, 3.c DNA and c DNA Libraries, 4. Molecular Markers, 5. Polymerase Chain Reaction, 6. DNA Finger Printing PLANT ANATOMY 1. Meristematic and Permanent Tissues, 2.Epidermis and Stomata, 3. Anatomy of Root, Stem & Leaf, 4. Root-Stem Transition, 5. Secondry Growth, 6. Anomalous Secondary Growth